Tres Klavinas en un Tiesto

This delightful song is almost certainly Turkish in origin, although songs and other cultural traditions, as well as commerce, were shared with Jewish communities in the Balkans, so it’s always a bit risky to make definitive statements about where a particular song originated. Susan learned this song when she was a member of Colors of the Flame, a trio that included Flory’s daughter, Lori Jagoda Lowell, and the late Betsy Carey. We have used the Colors’ arrangement as a base for our version. Among the many recorded versions, the one by Los Pasharos Sephardies is a favorite.

Susan, Tina, Howard, and Gina, vocals; Brian and Howard, shakers.

Tres klavinas en un tiesto Three carnations in a bowl,
Una blanka y una ros One white, one pink,
La d’en medio kolorada And in the middle a bright red,
Empesijo del amor. The birth of love.
Aman Minnush, kusun Minnush Ah, Minnush, my Minnush.
No me veyas amariyo Don’t you see how bitter I am.
Mis karas eran kunjas My cheeks had been like roses.
El amor y la tikiya Love and sorrow
Me truxeron a este hal Brought me this mischief.
Aman Minnush… Ah, Minnush…
A los siyelos vo subir I want to go to heaven,
A las siyete tabakás To the seventh heaven.
Flecha d’oro vo echar I will throw golden arrows
Onde kaye mi mazal. Thither where my fortune is.
Aman Minnush… Ah, Minnush…