Rikordus di Mi Nona

Words and music by Flory Jagoda

Flory Jagoda at her grandparent’s house in Vlasenica
Berta and Sambul Altarac, Flory’s Grandparents

Flory’s fourth CD, “Arvoliko,” was the last of four recordings she made between 1989 and 2005. The songs on the three earlier albums are, for the most part, full of the fun of holidays and Jewish customs, the trials and triumphs of love and marriage, celebrations and, at times, the tribulations of daily life. By contrast, “Arvoliko” brings us more contemplative, mournful, personal, and wistful songs, including “Rikordus di mi Nona,” “Saray de Oro,” “Raguza,” “Arvoles Yoran por Luvya,” and the title song itself. She rarely included such songs in her public performances, since her strong preference was to evoke happy pre-war memories of the lost world of her Nona and the Altarac family, the old traditions and customs that lasted for nearly five centuries after exile. “Rikordus di mi Nona” shows Flory’s great love for the gifts of her Nona and the deep longing she felt for the tranquility and stability of her early life. Such memories sustained her and remained strong even into her tenth decade. We placed this song at the heart of our show, “La Nona Kanta,” and we hear Flory’s voice saying, “I had that Sephardic Nona… She had the strength that was put to her by her Nona and her Biz-Nona (great-grandmother) to continue…”

Listen to Flory sing Rikordus di mi Nona 

Susan, vocals; Howard, guitar; Tina, bass viol


Kada nochi di ShabatEvery Firday night
Mi rikordu di mi NonaI remember my Grandmother
Kun la luz di laz kandelasBy the light of the candles
Maldandu suz birahas;Chanting her prayers;
Lungas nochais di l’invernuLong winter nights
Asentada in el minderSitting on the cushions]
Muz kantav laz kantikasSinging the songs to us
I las lindas kunsejikas di amor.And telling pretty stories of love.
Na ni na, na ni naNa ni na, na ni na,
Mi durmiya kun su Shema;She would sing me to sleep with her Shema;
Muz kantava laz kantikasSinging songs to us
I las lindas kunsejikasAnd telling pretty stories
I las lindas kunsekikas di amor.And telling pretty stories of love.