Durme, Durme, Mi Angeliko


Susan, vocals;
Howard, lute

Source: Chants Sephardis

Ladino English
Durme, durme, mi angeliko, Sleep, sleep, my little angel,
Ijiko chiko de la nasión Little child of the people,
Criyatura de Zion, Creature of Zion.
No konoces el dolor. Who does not know pain.
Por ke nombre, a me demandas, You ask,
Por ke no kanto yo; Why don’t I sing?
A kortaron las miz alas, My wings were cut
Y mi voz amudiciyo and my voice died away.
A el mundo de dolor. Ah, what a world of pain.


Tanja Solnik recorded this haunting lullaby, and Howard learned it from her. The origin is not known, but it seems to have a fairly modern character, and is most likely from the Balkans.